Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Congratulations to BARACK OBAMA for Winning The 2008 Presidential Election of the United States of America

Today is 04th November 2008, and on this very special Tuesday is the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION of the United States of America (U.S.A.). This is one election that the eyes of the whole world will be focusing on.

I predict that Senator BARACK OBAMA, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY presidential nominee (who is a junior United States Senator from Illinois), will definitely win the "2008 United States Presidential Election" and would like to be among the first to congratulate him for becoming the next president of the United States of America (USA). Why? Because as most people could see, President Obama will surely be the most likely person to bring about true change to the United States of America and definitely the whole world as well. With Barack Obama elected as the president of the U.S. of America, President Obama will actually be surrounded with and in constant consultation with the best brains of the nation (and of course worldwide too) to bring about true change to the politics, administration and especially economy of the country and to completely revitalise the White House like never before.

President Barack Obama has created history by becoming the first "black" (African American) president of the United States of America. It has once again proven that only in a country like the United States of America that "everyone" truly has equal freedom and opportunity to achieve the best they could with their abilities and hard work and of course, to achieve the "American dream". President Obama has given hope to millions all over the world with his determination to overcome all obstacles and challenges in order to lead his nation with true quality smart administration and wise leadership.

President Obama, Sir, congratulations for becoming the next president of the United States of America! Show the citizens of the United States of America and the people of the world who have supported you that they have made the right choice. Prove to everyone that you will become and will always be one of the smartest and wisest presidents the United States of America ever has. CHEERS!!! :)

I would like to congratulate Senator Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr. (the DEMOCRATIC PARTY vice presidential nominee who is a senior United States Senator from Delaware) too, for winning the 2008 Presidential Election of the United States of America together with Barack Obama and becoming the new Vice President of the United States of America. Congratulations, Sir! :)

As for the REPUBLICAN PARTY presidential nominee for the 2008 Presidential Election for the United States of America, Senator John Sidney McCain III (a senior United States Senator from Arizona), please don't be disheartened. You are a war hero and your country and fellow citizens will never forget the sacrifices you have made for them. You don't have to be the president of the United States of America to continue serving your country. Keep up the good work and all the best :)

At the same time, for the REPUBLICAN PARTY vice presidential nominee for the 2008 United States Presidential Election, Governor Sarah Louise Heath Palin (the governor of the state of Alaska of the United States of America), I would like to say that, Mdm, you have had your moments. Lose with dignity and learn from it. Return to Alaska being wiser and prove to the people there and the whole United States of America why you deserve even to be elected Alaska's governor in the first place. Lead the state of Alaska with renewed conviction and especially with true dignity and substance. You could have made many women of the United States of America (and probably the whole world) proud and of course many men too, but in the end, many of your "supporters" have ended up kicking themselves. You know why? It is because "ignorance" and "arrogance" are not very good combinations. Do not tempt fate. You know you have been lucky and should not have taken it for granted. Learn to be humble and to actually work hard for the people who have believed and had faith in you. Work harder, smarter and be humble. Remember: God is always fair and He is watching you ... as always. All the best, Mdm.

CONGRATULATIONS to President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden and to the people of the United States of America. All the best and keep up the good work.


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