Hehe … Welcome to the JustNice.Org Blog (AGAIN! For the 4th time!!!) This is my first post in the 4th version of my JustNice.Org blog. :)
Yep, and this time around, I am determined about moving the JustNice.Org Blog to Han-Yi.BlogSpot.Com (permanently) as I am running out of patience after 4 long years of problems with versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 of my JustNice.Org Blog using WordPress. I give up. It will be BlogSpot from now on :)
Frankly, I kind of like WordPress, but somehow there are too many problems that I cannot control. Hehe, since started blogging back in 2004, I have already set-up and then abandon 3 of my WordPress blogs on JustNice.Org (Ver 1.0, Ver 2.0 & Ver 3.0). The first 2 blogs were “abandoned” due to very serious comments spamming problem.
Eventually, in 2006 I finally managed to solve the comment spamming problems with new and more powerful anti-spamming features built-in the newer versions of WordPress. That’s when I set up version 3.0 of my JustNice.Org blog. Everything went well for the last 2 years … that was until recently.
Towards the end of August 2008, suddenly my WordPress informed me that my “dbase” is outdated and I am “forced” to update to the newer version. I updated my WordPress to version 2.5 and then 2.6.1. Somehow, when I updated the first time around, I lost all my categories (ALL 100+ of em). And before I could figure out what to do about it, suddenly I could not log in to my Admin area. Yep, I am now “logged out” of my blog altogether and I really don’t know what to do about it. I then upgraded to 2.6.1 hopping that as the latest version maybe the problems might have been rectified.
Well, the problems are still there. Eventually, while I still could not figure out how to “log-in” my JustNice.Org Ver 3.0 blog and “recover” my “disappeared categories”, I have to come up with a plan-B. So, I have decided to set up a new blog all over again with BlogSpot.Com instead. So, ladies and gentleman, I present you with JustNice.Org Blog Version 4.0 and keeping my fingers crossed … hehe :)
ps. *sigh* eventhough I have lost many valuable comments and blog readers over the years with the "interruptions" and "breaks" to my JustNice.Org Blog and this eventual switch to BlogSpot ... it is ok. I understand that it is part and parcel of life. Sh*ts happen and we just need to learn to cope with them and move on. Yep, I am moving on ... again hehe :)
ps. and I would like to thank WordPress for a nice free software that has allowed me to blog for the last 4 years :)
New Intake: Basic Mandarin Chinese Language Conversation Course (B120-C127)
New Intake: Basic Mandarin Chinese Language Conversation Course (B120-C127)
* Starting Date: 25 April 2014 (20140425) (75% Full!)
* Day: *Friday*
* Time: ...
10 years ago
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